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Geboren aus dem Vorsatz, unser Handeln in den Regionen zu verankern, in denen wir uns niedergelassen haben

Die Foundation trägt durch den Zugang zu Gesundheitsförderung, Bildung, angemessenem Wohnraum, Behindertenbetreuung und seit 2022 auch zum Umweltschutz zu größerer Autonomie des Einzelnen, zur Wiederherstellung der Menschenwürde und auch zum Schutz unserer Umwelt bei.

Meine Spende tätigen


Purchase, collection and distribution of school supplies and books for over 800 children from all over the world.

Scholarships for further studies (USA, Philippines, Romania), available on application.


Vision screening and supply of glasses for schoolchildren, mainly in Mexico, Romania, Philippines and India.

Vaccination against major pandemics in countries where governments do not cover the fees. Between 200 and 300 children, year after year, benefit from vaccinations (on local medical advice), in agreement with the World Health Organization.


Many of us want to do what we can to improve our living environment and offer our children a world in which they can flourish.

Environmental education and awareness projects will be launched this year, with the aim of proposing solutions that each of us can implement at our own level.


Renovation and construction of decent housing.

Assistance with rehabilitation after fires.

Rebuilding programs following natural disasters (typhoons, earthquakes, etc.).


For people with disabilities (co-workers, spouses, children) : identifying categories of compensation and taking charge of needs to improve daily life and become more independent.

Occasional financial assistance: to help start up a professional activity (via microcredit) and for urgent health issues.

For donors domiciled in France, you will receive a tax receipt entitling you to a tax reduction equal to 60% of the amount paid for companies, and 66% for individuals.

For further information or details on our Foundation, please contact us by e-mail at fondation@delfingen.com.