The DELFINGEN Group attaches the utmost importance to acting in an irreproachable manner with its stakeholders (business partners, employees, public authorities, etc.). It conducts its business ethically, honestly and in compliance with applicable laws.

Partner code of conduct

Based on our values, this Code of Conduct reflects the ethical requirements we apply. We ask every partner to read it, apply it and enforce our Code of Conduct.

DELFINGEN is committed to ensuring that all its partners respect the law and act ethically in all circumstances.

Anti-corruption code of conduct

The DELFINGEN Group is committed to fighting corruption and influence peddling. These principles guide our employees’ internal and external relations on a daily basis. This commitment is reflected in our adherence to the Middlenext anti-corruption code.

This code is available in several of the Group’s languages (French German English Arabic Chinese Korean Spanish Italian Japanese Portuguese Romanian).

Edito and gift policy

Our ethical commitment is also reflected in our gift policy. Every coworker of the DELFINGEN Group has read our edito and accepted the DELFINGEN Group gift policy.

We invite our business partners to read and apply it.

Reporting - Alert line

The DELFINGEN Group is committed to providing an ethical environment for all, and has opted to set up a whistleblowing hotline in compliance with legal provisions, particularly those concerning the protection of whistleblowers, and with the recommendations of the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA).

This technical system (available in all the DELFINGEN Group’s languages) enables employees of the DELFINGEN Group and any external person to submit reports concerning a crime, a misdemeanor, the violation of a law and/or regulation, the violation of the anti-corruption code of conduct, the code of conduct for partners, a conflict of interest, corruption or any other unethical act.