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Born from the will to inscribe our action in the territories where we are established

The Foundation, through access to healthcare, education, decent housing, care for the disabled and, since 2022, to the environment, contributes to greater autonomy for individuals, to restoring human dignity and also to protecting our environment.

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FR. Anteuil – september

Co-workers wishing to donate their unused toys were able to drop them off at the Anteul site. These were sold in exchange for a free donation to the Foundation.

The toy fair generated a total of €115.


US. Rochester Hills – august

Last August, 3 winners received scholarships from the DELFINGEN Foundation in North America.


PH. Cebu, april

The DELFINGEN Foundation visited Cebu on April 23th to deliver 10 laptops to representatives of the “Children of Asia” international solidarity project.

The children have received from these laptops as part of their training program in Hard Skills IT Training Program, which has enable them to improve their practical skills and performance.


MA. Tanger, september| MX. Saltillo & Celaya, august | IN. Pune, july| HN. Honduras, february

Since 2007, the Foundation has been working to provide equitable access to education for the children of our co-workers and local communities by donating school supplies to hundreds of children.

For example, in August 2024, 80 children in Saltillo (Mexico) and 241 in Celaya (Mexico) benefited from these supplies!

DELFINGEN Foundation is proud to provide these children with the materials they need to learn in the best possible conditions.




PH. Manila – november | PH. Cebu – december

Every minute, 19 tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean. Faced with this reality, the DELFINGEN Foundation and Plastic Odyssey decided to join forces to create two recycling micro-factories. After two years of partnership, the DELFINGEN Foundation is now engaged in field projects developed by Plastic Odyssey Factories.

The DELFINGEN Foundation and Plastic Odyssey have inaugurated their first two recycling micro-factories on the island of the Philippines. The event took place on Wednesday November 27 at the Macapagal Terminal in Manila and on Thursday December 5 at the Cebu Yacht Club. In collaboration with the CCI France-Philippines, opening ceremonies, boat tours and screenings of the Plastic Odyssey documentary were organized.

Over a period of several weeks, engineers and operators from DELFINGEN and Plastic Odyssey joined forces to develop and make operational the micro-factories needed to recover plastic waste and transform it into useful resources. This local solution enables innovative, decentralized waste management on the island of the Philippines. Thanks to these two containers, equipped with solar panels, over 500 tonnes of plastic waste per year can be converted into high value-added products, particularly for the furniture and construction industries.

Click here for watch the retrospective video!


IN. Chennai – october

The DELFINGEN Foundation and the Indospace/CSR Foundation, in collaboration with the NGO United Way, Mumbai, organized a beach clean-up activity at Kovalam Beach, near Chennai, with the aim of reducing plastic waste and safeguarding the marine ecosystem.

The main aim of the operation was to raise awareness among volunteers and make an impact on the ground in terms of the body of water. Over 195 volunteers visited Kovalam beach on November 8, 2024, and 95 bags were collected, weighing a total of 804 kilograms (0.8 tons) of waste.

The collected plastic was sent directly to a mobile incinerator run by the Environment Foundation of India (EFI) in collaboration with the Greater Corporation of Chennai (GCC). This incinerator operates using clear waste technology, with the waste incinerated in this machine becoming clear vapors, non-toxic emissions, and ash, used to make recycled bricks for construction. The mixed waste collected is sent to GCC centers where it is sorted and managed by the GCC team.


IN. Chennai & Pune – august

Tree plantings were organized. In Chennai, 100 trees were planted on the campus of a nearby engineering college.

The saplings were donated by the Tamil Nadu Forest Department. The event was also part of the Foundation’s commitment to donate a tree for every accident-free day. DELFINGEN Chennai had 121 accident-free days up to June 24 and, as a first step, they planted 100 trees in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Forest Department and the Engineering College. The trees will be maintained by the school management.


PH. Cebu –  january

In December 2021, Super Typhoon Odette hit the island of the Philippines, affecting almost 4.5 million people and destroying homes, telecommunication networks, roads and washing away underwater marine life.

In partnership with Ocean Quest, the DELFINGEN Foundation is mobilized to rehabilitate the coral reef by setting up the nurseries, harvesting broken corals, fragmenting (reproducing) and propagating (planting) new corals…

After two years of work and nearly 1000 corals propagated, the reef has grown from 1cm to 20cm bringing back fishes and marine life!



IN. Chennai, november | FR. Anteuil, october

As part of the “Pink October” and “Movember” campaigns, awareness-raising and screening sessions for breast and cervical cancer were organized.

In India, consensual medical examinations led to conclusions and advice on deficiencies and areas for improvement in general hygiene and well-being.


IN. Pune, october | CN. Hebi & Chongqing, september

Some co-workers were helped to become more aware of mental health through professional advice and fun interaction.

Theses activities also enabled teams to learn how to identify and deal with psychological problems, and to promote mutual understanding and support between co-workers.


IN. Hebi, may| IN. Chennai, february

The DELFINGEN Foundation regularly organizes eye screenings for our co-workers and their families. The event took place on May 31 and June 1 at our Hebi site in China and on Friday February 16th at our Chennai site in India.

Following the events :

  • More than 570 colleagues and family members benefited from vision screening.
  • Around 420 people received free glasses from the DELFINGEN Foundation.

“Better eyesight for a better life!



IN. Chennai, january

Cyclone Michaung in December 2023 caused severe damage to some of our co-workers in Chennai and Tuticorin. Their homes were flooded and their household goods, computer peripherals and vehicles were damaged by the cyclone. As a result, costs had to be incurred to repair the damage caused.

The solidarity of our Foundation enabled 4 colleagues to benefit from financial support on January 30. The DELFINGEN Foundation disbursed a total of INR 59723 to help them.

Today, thanks to the assistance of the DELFINGEN Foundation, our four colleagues have succeeded in repairing the damage caused by the cyclone!



PH. Cebu, september

In the Philippines, the DELFINGEN Foundation has completed a small-scale but high-impact activity at the Habitat village in Bogo City, Cebu: a food distribution.

This was one of the areas hardest hit by the typhoon, and the DELFINGEN Foundation had already helped to rebuild several of the houses in this French village.


IN. Pune, july 

As part of its core values and CSR activities, DELFINGEN and its Foundation were partnering with the Western Ghat Running Foundation in Pune, India, committed to forest conservation and supporting the local communities in need. 

DELFINGEN Team Members in Pune and Damien Personeni, CEO Asia, faced the challenge of running the Sinhagad Epic Trail, and took the opportunity to offer school supplies in a village and participated in a symbolic tree plantation.